Adrian Burnham (UK)

Adrian Burnham has a long held empirical interest in both the variety and efficacy of interventions on urban space and a particular fascination with paper-based art and visual activism. His career spans both a mundane engagement with the metropolis – as a commercial flyposter in the 1980s and 90s – to more academic study of the city and the social production of space at Goldsmiths University.


After 10 years leading courses and lecturing on art and design, in June 2016 he founded and continues to curate Flyingleaps: a street display and online platform for socio-politically engaged artists.


Flyingleaps aims to exhibit artists’ work to make unexpected, thought-provoking contributions to the urban spectacle; to support opportunities for aspiring artists, photographers and designer-makers of all ages to develop their thinking and practice; to offer for sale direct to the public at affordable prices limited edition blue backed street posters; and to provide a forum to debate the roles of art and visual activism across multiple perspectives: personal, aesthetic, social, cultural, political.

2019 — Design by Studio Bergini — Code by Tortuga Labs